“Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage.” Danielle La Porte
A Note From Anna:
Welcome, I’m so excited you are here!
Have you felt like your life has been turned upside down during the pandemic and now not sure who you are or what you want?
I’ve felt that too, several times in my life, as I was turned in a new direction. These turning points weren’t always convenient or comfortable. I’ve made it through illness, motherhood, changing careers, and widowhood.
In each new direction I had to re-create myself as well as the vision for my life.
I couldn’t do this alone. I had mentors, coaches, healers, and community of women to strengthen and empower me throughout my transformational journey.
As a Wayshower, I assist women to move from doubt to certainty, confusion to clarity and anxiety to peace. I have a proven method to help women like you build a bridge from where you are to what you are longing for. I’ve done this for myself and I can do it for you.

Anna has been a wellness practitioner for over 25 years.
It was through her journey from illness to health and transition from a registered nurse to a holistic nurse, that Anna learned about the impact that beliefs, thoughts and attitudes have on our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. It was here that Anna found the doorway to her life’s work; uplifting, nurturing, and empowering women so their souls could blossom.
“As I lay on the therapy table it was if a light bulb went on inside my head. In my minds eye, I saw many women of all colors and sizes. Each one becoming radiant as she healed her broken body-mind-heart-spirit connections. Each woman stood tall and strong in her own self-worth, and wisdom. I felt my heart break open, I want to be part of assisting women to strengthen their voices, update their beliefs and resolve hurts of the past. I want to be part of the blossoming of their Souls.”
This deep desire led Anna on an intense journey of healing, travel and study. She learned many therapies that strengthen the well-being of the body, mind, heart, and spirit. She looked specifically for ways to support women to increase their sense of worth and wisdom. As a result, the foundational pieces of her work are women’s spirituality, Reiki, flower essences, the labyrinth and holistic nursing.

How can a woman truly stand in her self-worth and value when who she is at her core, a woman who can create life through the menstrual cycle, is rejected and deemed dirty by the culture in which she lives? As part of her Women’s Spiritually Master’s Thesis, Anna created a program for parents of 4th graders to teach them a body, mind, spirit version of the menstrual cycle. The parents were then able to teach their daughters positive things about the menstrual cycle and celebrate with them when the time came.

Anna has been a speaker and labyrinth walk facilitator for a variety of organizations including University of California San Francisco Medical Center, American Holistic Nurse’s Association, and Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. Anna was a co-creator of noon-time labyrinth peace walks at Grace Cathedral as a response to first war in Iraq. She is author of “Walking the Labyrinth: A tool of stress reduction for nurses” Society of Gynecologic Nurse Oncologists, Winter 2003.

Flower Essences
For over 25 years Anna has worked with flower essences creating personalized blends for her family and clients. She is amazed at how they can help change anxiety to calm, confusion to clear minded. She studied flower essences at The Center for Plant Studies.

Anna loves living in San Francisco, she grew up in the SF Bay area. She is active in her San Francisco community as a member of The Rotary Club of San Francisco West and on the Labyrinth Guild at Grace Cathedral. She loves to travel, cook, and hike. Her favorite trip was with her two daughters exploring Sweden and Norway as they learned about their Norse heritage.
With a master’s degree in Women’s Spirituality from California Institute of Integral Studies
Anna is also a:
• Registered Nurse
• Certified Holistic Nurse
• Certified Integrative Nurse Coach
• Certified Advanced Labyrinth Facilitator
• Flower Essence Practitioner
Photo Close-ups: Judy Stansbury https://www.wagtalephotography.com
Program photos: Jung Fitzpatrick https://www.jungfitzpatrick.com