Join Us For Our 2023-2024 Series
Annual New Year Event
The world needs awake, vibrant women taking spirit filled action now more than ever before. We see around us that the world is in great upheaval, systems are breaking down, and this creates opportunity for something new to emerge.
Stelle Fleur Institute (SFI) is taking this winter, 2023-2024, to create some exciting new offerings to be part of that something new emerging. Here at SFI we are dedicated to working with women on the verge of a new direction in life; women being called to something more.
Anna Yang, R.N. HNB-BC, HWNC-BC mentors women based on her decades of experience using tried and true scientific informed methods and her own innovative synthesis of holistic healing tools including Energy Balancing.
She partners with women during pivotal times in life guiding them to expand their sense self-worth, inner wisdom, and soulful well-being so that they can take action aligned with their values, feel more alive and live with purpose.
“The world will be saved by the western woman,” Dalai Lama September 2009

“I have attended Anna Yang’s Vision Retreat several times. It has been a pivotal experience for me in creating clarity and focus for my vision of what will unfold during the year. The retreat is a safe place to explore with wonderful like-minded women, under the experienced guidance of Anna. The combination of vision boarding and walking the labyrinth is powerful and expansive.”
“Anna’s day long workshop combining visioning with the construction of a personal vision board and labyrinth walking was powerful. I initially went to support a friend but found the workshop so valuable. For me it helped to step out of the mental mind and drop into the intuitive place were real wisdom is gained. Cloudiness changed to Clarity and the next best step became clear. I have returned to this workshop to kick off each new year many times. Thank you, Anna,!”
“The labyrinth visioning retreat is an unexpected spiritually nourishing practice. I discovered how much I feel connected to others while walking the labyrinth in silence. Time in silence to hear my interior voice speak.”